"Between Heavens Entre Cielos is an award-winning boutique hotel built by a group of Swiss friends on a picturesque plot of land in Vistabla, a scenic town 30 minutes outside Mendoza’s city center. Spanning 20 acres, Entre Cielos is a modern 16-room hotel, free-standing spa, open-air grill, wine bar and eight-acre vineyard overlooking the snowcapped peaks of the Andes mountain range. Drawing from a popular spa trend in their native Switzerland , the owners built an authentic Hamam + Spa, the first of its kind in Latin America. Entre Cielos was awarded a 2013 World Boutique Hotel Award for the best boutique hotel in South America. GuardiaVieja 1998, Vistalba, Lujan de Cuyo, Mendoza ; hotel@entrecielos.com; +54 261 498 3377"