Nestled under the iconic bridge, Village Underground is a vibrant, co-working hub crafted from repurposed containers and buses, oozing creativity with a café that boasts stunning views, great eats, and a chill vibe perfect for everyone.
"Village Underground, Alcântara. Under the bridge you will find a very cool and laidback co-working space which you can rent on an hourly, day-to-day or Monthly basis as well as a café with a view.It is build of containers and old charming busses with the capacity for 30-40 people. The day we visited they were doing a live streaming dj event from their sound studio. It seems like there is always a good reason to stop by. Pssst great cheese board and banana toffee on the menu!"
Sarah Watkins
Manuele Zarcone
drew kenneth
Sajjad Bay
Lynne Lin
Jade Linzell
Leena Gale
Sarah Watkins
Manuele Zarcone
drew kenneth
Sajjad Bay
Lynne Lin
Jade Linzell
Leena Gale