At this lively teppanyaki spot, prepare for a deliciously entertaining meal as skilled chefs grill up flavorful steak and seafood right at your table.
"Later on, we were really craving hibachi. We headed to Waikiki and got teppanyaki from Tanaka of Tokyo Central. It was really good and reasonably priced."
Stephen Gzy
Ariel Santomauro
Wook Chung
Alejandro Suarez
Katherine Melnyk
Mel Robert
Dave Anderson
Rachel Robado
Stephen Gzy
Ariel Santomauro
Wook Chung
Alejandro Suarez
Katherine Melnyk
Mel Robert
Dave Anderson
Rachel Robado
Jon B.
Devon I.
Fran C.
Jonas M.
John T.
Jeanette E.
Norm C.
Candace F.
Melissa B.
Danny L.
Ecco P.
Jessica R.
Bob S.
Nancy C.
Donna G.
Susan B.
Sal R.
Ashley V.
Desmond C.
Ariel A.
Monique A.
Katy A.
Asia S.
Jaime H.
Jason D.
Billy G.
Asheville Bruce H.
Brian L.
Jia W.
Jane R.
Boba D.
Millie P.
Rick C.
Kimie D.
Josh B.
Alyssa D.
Diana K.
Ben L.
Matt M.
Nicholas Y.
Rudy M.
mich l.
Aja F.
Terra C.
Melly M.
Shaquita S.
Stephanie F.
Patille L.
Scott C.