Nestled in Pyrmont, this snug, pirate-themed bar serves up delightful steaks, burgers, and a legendary Sunday roast in a fun, friendly vibe.
"Peg Leg, Pyrmont by Thinkbone. Step a board me hearties, if ye be adventurous. This pirate themed bar is a great change of pace from the usual ho hum bar experiences. The interiors look like a pirate ship, for Pete’s sake, and the cocktails are ridiculous tasty. Plus, they have an extensive rum and gin library, so if you want it chances are they’ve got it. They also do a nitrogen cold brew coffee. We don’t know what it is, but we definitely want to try it. As far as cocktails go, try the Pyrmont Cobbler - a light and refreshing drink, for a hot summers day."
Graeme Merrall
Jessica Wu
Andrew W
Greg Porter
Jon Humphries
Jelena S
Venessa Dowling