Nestled along the stunning coastline of José Ignacio, Parador La Huella serves up exquisite grilled seafood and artisanal sushi in a chic, boathouse-inspired locale that’s the perfect summer hotspot.
Tony ate with the owners of this place. They had whole fish baked in salt, rib-eye steak, flank steak, suckling pig.
"Rank: #28 "The ultimate in stylised beachside eating, Parador La Huella’s repertoire in grilled seafood led by Vanessa González is second to none, making it a regular summer spot for trendy visitors from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and beyond."
"The most successful restaurant in the area is, without question, La Huella. Designed to look and feel like a boathouse, with a thatched roof, sand-dusted wooden deck flooring, and a staff of perfect-looking, evenly tanned twentysomethings, it's probably the most painstakingly curated simulacrum of effortlessness you'll ever see. It's also the hardest table to score in the busy months of January and February." - Travel + Leisure Editors
"Good food has been the social glue in these parts since a young Francis Mallmann turned up in the late ’70s; the Michelin-starred chef still has a restaurant in the town of Garzón, and his former protégés can be found at their own restaurants cooking fresh-caught brótola or locally raised lamb inside wood-fired ovens."
Nicole D.
Luísa V
Gabriel Urtubey
Jessica Mayoral
Steffonn Chan
B74 OG
Ruben Dias
Alison Silcoff
Nicole D.
Luísa V
Gabriel Urtubey
Jessica Mayoral
Steffonn Chan
B74 OG
Ruben Dias
Alison Silcoff