Nestled in a mid-century embassy, Nuema serves a visually stunning 12-course tasting menu that celebrates Ecuador’s biodiversity with inventive flair.
"The World's Best Pastry Chef's Award went to Pia Salazar, pastry chef at Nuema in Quito, Ecuador."
"Pía Salazar earned best pastry chef for her desserts at Nuema, Quito." - Hillary Dixler Canavan
"Rank: #48 "Within a gastronomic culture that is beginning to take hold in Latin America, Nuema stands out. Recovering the roots of the most beloved Ecuadorian traditions, it injects them with creativity and conveys the experience to a contemporary table where the product shines. The biodiversity of this fertile country is reviewed daily by the chefs, following the rhythm of the seasons and in accordance with traceability. The resulting changes are entertaining, the techniques well-managed and the ingredient is respected in quality and aesthetics, expressing the best of itself."
J Hubb
Gabriel Garcia
Tian Lan
Mohammed Dany, MD, PhD
Victor Hugo Olivera
Anthony Abbate
Lexi Aagesen