This no-frills taqueria offers incredible tacos, both to-go and in a cozy dining area, capturing the authentic street vibe with quick service.
Simón Bolívar 59, Centro Histórico de la Cdad. de México, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06000 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico Get directions
"This taqueria in Centro Historico has been a mainstay since 1980. Standing by a cauldron of meats bubbling away, a chef at the front wields a cleaver with lightning speed. An expansive dining room speaks to just how busy this place gets. Offerings are numerous but recent highlights include tender, melting cabeza as well as the classic al pastor, both finished tableside with salsas and a squeeze of lime. Swing for the suadero later in the evening when the meats have had plenty of time to braise." - Michelin Inspector
"Los Cocuyos is all about meat—submerged in lard, slow cooked until it falls off the bone and is ready to be folded into tiny tacos. The brisket is some of the best in town; the campechano, a chopped-up mix of beef, longaniza, and a little bit of everything else, is a must-order; and the tripe will convince anyone who was previously on the fence about offal. Each taco is served with two excellent tortillas, brushed with cooking fat and sprinkled with onion and cilantro." - Naomi Tomky, Scarlett Lindeman
"The most famous downtown taquería, Los Cocuyos keeps up an impressive operation 24/7 as diners gather on the short plastic stools on the curb at all hours. The shop specializes in suadero (brisket) and tripe cooked in a bubbly meat jacuzzi, as well as tacos de cabeza (steamed cow’s head). The Cocuyos technique is very basic; the tacos are cooked in lard confit seasoned just with salt, no herbs, and the master taqueros work patiently as they stir the cauldron, chop ingredients, and serve tacos until the pot is empty, usually around 3 or 4 a.m. Their tripe is one of the best in the city (soft yet crispy, oh so savory, never chewy), making Los Cocuyos an obligatory visit for any taco enthusiast. As of late, expect long lines around evening time." - Natalia de la Rosa
According to Hector Mijangos, CEO and Founder of the YUMMMIE* App, Mexico’s premier foodie app: "I think a great taco place that represents Mexico City street food scene has to be Taquería Los Cocuyos. They’re open for 24 hours a day, and sell tacos de cabeza (meat from a roasted animal head), suadero (flank steak), tripa (chitterlings), longaniza (sausage), and more."
"Downtown, Alberto Sarabia, the lead taquero of famed Los Cocuyos, smiles under his face mask while passing out tacos to customers for the first time after a six-week closure." - Eater Staff