Step into this pristine haven for Japanese cutlery, where expert staff guide you through a stunning selection of knives and kitchenware at appealing prices.
"As all chefs know, a good knife makes all the difference. Here you'll find top grade steel-ware and Japanese knives for your inner samurai or sushi carver." - The Charles
"Eric Ripert considers it the best knife shop in town." - Nancy DePalma
"This Japanese sharpening stone from Korin is double-sided, with a medium grit for sharpening on one side and a fine grit for finishing on the other." - Bettina Makalintal
"This Japanese shop equips restaurants like Nobu and Per Se, meaning it's where pro-chefs go to buy their knives. They're artfully displayed on the wall and in cases throughout the space according to brand and style (they carry traditional Japanese as well as Westernized brands). In addition, we like to shop their selection of lacquered bento boxes and traditional serveware."
"This Japanese shop equips restaurants like Nobu and Per Se, meaning it's where pro-chefs go to buy their knives. They're artfully displayed on the wall and in cases throughout the space according to brand and style (they carry traditional Japanese as well as Westernized brands). In addition, we like to shop their selection of lacquered bento boxes and traditional serveware."