Nestled in the charming South Street Seaport, this cozy cafe serves high-end, low-acidity coffee and enticing vegan pastries, perfect for a sunny day.
"Jacks Stir Brew, South Street Seaport by Wasabi Rabbit. Jack’s Stir Brew builds relationships with the farms that provide their coffee beans so their customers (ie our entire office) knows that they’re getting a delicious coffee that’s good for everybody in Jack’s supply chain. How Millenial of us! Don’t forget to pick up one of their sweet treats in the old-timey display case. And if you’re a Matcha fiend, try the Green Hornet."
Shireen Bhullar
Viktor Foos
Damian Samolej
Ian McGarty
Matt Sweetwood
Tere GB
Ali Vidler
Owen Percoco