Experience a cozy slice of Tokyo in this charming izakaya, where the atmosphere shines and the ramen is a must-try, served with warm hospitality.
"In this fantastic, tiny Japanese canteen you can choose your own combination of the dishes on offer: meat, fish or vegetables. (A great place if you’re on a budget)" - 4uatre
"Ito Chan, South Pigalle by 4uatre. In this fantastic, tiny Japanese canteen you can choose your own combination of the dishes on offer: meat, fish or vegetables. (A great place if you’re on a budget)"
Daniel Gonz
Fidy Ramamonjisoa
Harrie Oosterhuis
Anastasiia Khyzhniak
Jacob Flichtman
Rachel Childers
Sangam Chouchan
Jimmy D.
Min C.
Erin G.