At Isblomsten in Islands Brygge, you’ll find a charming selection of fresh blooms and plants, all embraced by friendly staff ready to craft personal bouquets.
"The small flower shop Isblomsten always has a wide range of beautiful flowers and plants. It is impossible to leave without a purchase. The interior is clean and simple and so are the flowers. The girls in the shop are kind and helpful and knows exactly how to accommodate you wish for a personal bouquet..." - Birds Flying High
"Isblomsten, Islands Brygge. The small flower shop Isblomsten always has a wide range of beautiful flowers and plants. It is impossible to leave without a purchase. The interior is clean and simple and so are the flowers. The girls in the shop are kind and helpful and knows exactly how to accommodate you wish for a personal bouquet..."
Nishan M
Reza Mir
Simon Cox
Jonas Rotach
Johnny Damkjær Rasmussen
Henrik Kjeldsholm
Angeliqa Skoglund
Jesper Tidemann