Stopping at the giant orange orb for classic hot dogs and the must-try Orange Juliep is a delicious nod to Montreal’s quirky fast-food scene.
"Gibeau Orange Julep, built in 1964, is housed in a giant orange-shaped building and known for its straightforward poutine with crisp fries, abundant cheese, and dark gravy. The venue is a popular meet-up spot for car and motorcycle enthusiasts and offers a unique dining experience with outdoor picnic tables." - ByValerie Silva
"You can debate the culinary merit of Orange Julep’s poutine, but there’s no zanier or more iconic place to get your grease on in Montreal." - Erinn Blicher, Eater Staff
"Squint a little, and this three-storey-high orange sphere may look like a Christmas ornament tossed aside the Décarie. Stop by to pick up a poutine or burger, but it’s the Julep’s eponymous drink — part-way between an orange juice and a milkshake — that’ll make the trek worth it. They’re open every day." - Eater Staff
"Squint a little, and this three-storey-high orange sphere may look like a Christmas ornament tossed aside the Décarie. Stop by to pick up a poutine or burger, but it’s the Julep’s eponymous drink — part-way between an orange juice and a milkshake — that’ll make the trek worth it. They’re open every day." - Eater Staff
"The poutine and hot dogs reign supreme at this Montreal landmark built by Hermas Gibeau in the 1930s to serve his trademark orange drink. Whether eaten the traditional way or Michigan-style with meat sauce on top, it’s a solid, if not essential, choice." - JP Karwacki