Crown Finish Caves is an underground cheese haven in Brooklyn where you can sample artisanal delights amid tunnel walls overflowing with wheels of cheese.
"Crown Finish Caves can only be described as a fever dream we once had: endless tunnels stacked with cheese staring back at you like you’re in the cheese wheel catacombs. Apparently, it’s actually a cheese aging facility where imported "young cheese" that hasn’t developed a rind yet is aged by some nice people in Crown Heights. This Friday, they're inviting Italian grocery store La Salumina to bring some salumi into the mix for a brief pop-up. (They’ll also be breaking out the Raclette Machine.) We haven’t been here yet, but want you to know this spot exists." - Team Infatuation
"Crown Finish Caves can only be described as a fever dream we once had: endless tunnels stacked with cheese staring back at you like you’re in the cheese wheel catacombs. Apparently, it’s actually a cheese aging facility where imported "young cheese" that hasn’t developed a rind yet is aged by some nice people in Crown Heights. This Friday, they're inviting Italian grocery store La Salumina to bring some salumi into the mix for a brief pop-up. (They’ll also be breaking out the Raclette Machine.) " - neha talreja
"An underground cheese cave that supplied cheese to some of the city’s top restaurants and cheese shops. Closed after eight years in business." - Luke Fortney
"Crown Finish Caves is closing after eight years. The underground cheese aging facility announced the closure in an email to customers, stating it will cease operations at the Nassau Brewery plant. They will have a final cheese sale this afternoon, in-person and online." - Luke Fortney
"Crown Finish Caves is reopening its doors for pop-ups. For the month of April, it will host weekly events for customers to sample cheese in partnership with local producers." - Emma Orlow