Club Club, nestled in McCarren Parkhouse, serves up classic sandwiches like a killer cheeseburger and fresh chicken salad, perfect for patio picnics.
"Club Club, run by Matthew Calender, an alum of events venue Brooklyn Bazaar, in collaboration with Dria Atencio of pop-up Salty Lunch Lady, is a new sandwich spot with a focus on the classics: a chicken salad sandwich, a mortadella sandwich, a marinated veggie sandwich, and a juicy cheeseburger." - Emma Orlow
Matt Brown
Wendy Cyffka McCarter
M- T-
Ella Mead
Brooklyn Tai Brooklyn
Ali John
David Hernandez
Matt Brown
Wendy Cyffka McCarter
M- T-
Ella Mead
Brooklyn Tai Brooklyn
Ali John
David Hernandez