Nestled in Copenhagen, this charming bakery boasts organic pastries, great coffee, and a cozy atmosphere perfect for brunch or working away from home.
"Bagerdygtigt is a true gem in Vesterbro - besides their amazing quality of eco bread, cakes and the classic wienerbrød (The cake also called Danish) it is also an idealistic owner who runs the place. Bagerdygtig has a 0% in food waste - which is not easy at all - it requires local customers who are willing to buy whatever is left by the end of the day. If something is leftover, they will give it all to a local homeless shelter down the street. You can also buy local products such as jam, honey, lemonade etc. Take your delicious purchase with you or sit in the sun outside the bakery. Though if you are to lazy one morning, you can get your breakfast in bed. Bagerdygtigt also delivers to your door..." - Birds Flying High
"Bagerdygtigt, Vesterbro. Bagerdygtigt is a true gem in Vesterbro - besides their amazing quality of eco bread, cakes and the classic wienerbrød (The cake also called Danish) it is also an idealistic owner who runs the place. Bagerdygtig has a 0% in food waste - which is not easy at all - it requires local customers who are willing to buy whatever is left by the end of the day. If something is leftover, they will give it all to a local homeless shelter down the street.You can also buy local products such as jam, honey, lemonade etc. Take your delicious purchase with you or sit in the sun outside the bakery. Though if you are to lazy one morning, you can get your breakfast in bed. Bagerdygtigt also delivers to your door..."
irakli turabelidze
Alice Ward
Richard M
Mr Deviance
Torben Raun
Lyd schnid
Elizabeth J
Julian Rittmayer