Aspuddens bokhandel is a charming indie haven that’s a treasure trove of unique reads and community events, perfect for locals to cozy up and explore.
"This little bookstore is located in Aspudden, an old mini town just a few steps from Midsommarkransen and Telefonplan. In this cosy bookstore you’ll find the best of the best of selected (and beautiful) books. Take a look inside a new favorite book, order a coffee or buy a novel together with a take away sandwich and go down to Mälaren. In the summer you can enjoy a wonderful view (and sunset) over the sea from Örnsberget." - Emma Sundh
"Aspuddens bokhandel, Telefonplan Midsommarkransen by Emma Sundh. This little bookstore is located in Aspudden, an old mini town just a few steps from Midsommarkransen and Telefonplan. In this cosy bookstore you’ll find the best of the best of selected (and beautiful) books. Take a look inside a new favorite book, order a coffee or buy a novel together with a take away sandwich and go down to Mälaren. In the summer you can enjoy a wonderful view (and sunset) over the sea from Örnsberget."
Maria Barreto (Maria)
Olof Pettersson
ingrid söderback
S E Bo
Janne Kyrö
Beatrice A. T.
Hans Persson
Olof Nilsson