I want give a fair rating, despite the bad experience with store service and bad quality of leather handbag.
Store looks pretty and very pleasant arranged, I was very happy found the store in 4th of July weekend (I live close by) tried few dresses, but since I am petite size, so they did not fit well on me.
I bought a small leather crossbody handbag for my sis, when I give it to her, we noticed few spots on the surface of the handbag, I thought it just dirt, so we tried clean it, and we noticed the color come off, the handbag is leather (light color) ... seems decent quality from far. So my sis told me maybe I should return it, since it is bad quality bag.
I went to store to return the bag 2 days later, the cashier in the counter told me it has been used, they can not return, I told him I did not use it, it has been only 2 days, he said he is not sure how I could use the bag in last 2 days (it really insulted me), then he said he can change a new one for me, but I told him, I prefer return it or store credit, as the quality of bag is not good, he refused and insulted me again...I ask him to speak their manager, he said he is store manager, his name is Michael( he refused to give his last name) , he said I can call his boss David or client service next day if I want it. I really tired to talk with him, and I am going away next day for 2 weeks, and I have no time and patience to fight with Michael or client service( after view yelp's review on their service, I will not waste my time), so I decide to exchange a same one less defects on the bag, he bought all the bags for me to choose, they all have defects. Mind you- they are real leather bag, he told me they don't sell defected bag...
Sorry "& other Stories"- I will not back again... I hope no store will hire someone like Michael, as he has no skills to deal customer in retail business.
Overall store rating: 2 Stars
Leather Handbag- 1 Star
Before I left store, I looked all the handbag again, most handbags are look good from far, when you look closely, they all have some problem, you can tell they are not good quality bags, and not going to last long. If you looking for look not quality, this is store for you.
It seems store want to look like somewhat upscale store, but services and quality just not there yet...
Store's Appearance - 4 Stars
Store have very pleasant look, the layout is very good
Client service- 1 star
You can check other yelper's review, really one of worst client service you can find, I am really wondering how H&M management allow such people work in there, they need change their attitude
Cloth- 3.5 Stars
It looks pretty and nice style, I am not sure if they fit well
Shoes- 2 Stars
I tried few of them; it looks pretty, but not comfortable, again not great quality
Skin Care- 3 Stars
Very good presented in the store, as I only like organic product, so it is not for me