
La Vanguardia Airport
Regional airport · Villavicencio
"On first inspection, this is an airplane boneyard, where unwanted props from Romancing the Stone corrode artfully. But in reality, this sleepy hangar is an important gateway to the more impenetrable parts of the country."

The plane landed here in Miraflores, a jungle outpost in the southern province of Guaviare in the Amazon Forest Preserve. Tony talked with a guide there about the cocaine trade of the past.
Paloquemao Fruit Market
Market · Bogotá
What Bourdain ate: Caldo de Costilla, a traditional breakfast soup from the Andean region (beef short ribs simmered in an oily broth with potatoes, salt and scallions).

La Puerta Falsa Restaurant
Restaurant · Bogotá
What Bourdain ate: Tamales made with chicken and pork belly, combined with vegetables, rice and masa, wrapped in a banana leaf and slow cooked for hours.
Temporarily Closed
What Bourdain ate: Handmade pasta, filled with labneh cheese and finished with a chorizo sauce; osso buco (beef shank instead of veal) braised over cubed vegetables, wine and broth in a wood-fired oven.

Social Club Los Amigos
Recreation center · Santiago de Cali
Tony met with a band called On the Tropica to play tejo, a game involving "alcohol and explosives." They also ate a Colombian picada, "a huge selection of fried pork, pork rib, steak, cassava, potatoes, and deep fried plantain."
Sevicheria Guapi
Permanently Closed
What Bourdain ate: Cooked shrimp lathered in mayonnaise, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce; mollusk with rice; red snapper; steamed shrimp with green tomatoes; beer; sugar cane.
Tony met Chef Juan Pablo Mayorga in this town in La Guajira. They ate Frichi, a traditional dish from the Wayuu people, includes the offal of the goat. They then rode ATVs.

Mayapo beaches
Tourist attraction · Manaure
Tony rested on the beach after crashing on his ATV, had beer, and ate at a restaurant called Mar Azul (which I could not find on the map). They had cazuela, which is a fish chowder made with lobster, fish, shrimp, clams, and conch.