Casual dining place to come with friends or for a date.
I ordered the basil soba noodle. It was interesting to add wasabi which was surprisingly good. It was good.
The store is not too big but good for casual dine in experience.
They have different menu. They looks good. Recommend :)
I was looking forward to eat raw beef bento box but they didnt have it there. I am coming back just for that. Otherwise i dont think i will come back to eat.
Pierrot Lafripouille
Eric Jaw
The chive noodles was the best one.
Kai Neo
Seaweed noodles was a disappointment. The chives and basil one was so much better.
Ergo Cardinal
Interesting taste, but kinda plain with this portion size
Michael C
So bloody good!!
Jack Hartland
Food and service is so good. 5 stars. Recommended
S Lee
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