A bustling mall for photography enthusiasts in Shanghai, offering an extensive selection of new and vintage gear across two buildings, with friendly staff and great framing services, but be ready to haggle and watch for scams.
300 Luban Rd, Huangpu, Shanghai, China, 200023 Get directions
"A Picture Taker's Paradise: Xingguang Photographic Equipment City A shutterbug's dream come true: two buildings of several floors each house any camera, lens, or piece of photography equipment you could ever want. From brand-new DSLRs to vintage Hasselblads and everything in between, this behemoth market is likely to have whatever you may be looking for, or hold surprises you didn’t even know existed. Tip: keep an eye out for a few original Seagulls manufactured in Shanghai . By AFAR Traveler , AFAR Local Expert"
karim khalid
Mugi Yamamoto
Guido Haak
Dimuth Jayawickrama
John Luker
Johnny Mbasa
Jonathan Stokes