Step into this stylish, industrial-chic Belgian bakery where the open kitchen churns out tempting pastries and vibrant brunch options amid a trendy vibe.
"Vive La Tarte, Soma by Airbnb. At Vive La Tarte, Belgian husband-and-wife team Arnaud Goethals and Julie Vandermeersch have put a modern, California spin on their family’s pastry recipes. Indulge in their cheesecake made with Sierra Nevada Cheese Company’s cream cheese and a Speculoos crust, or select a Danish pastry filled with basil custard and red rhubarb. The pastry chefs work in small batches throughout the day, so the baked goods are always fresh and warm. Housed in an former printing shop, the open layout and minimalist aesthetic reflects the couple’s love of mid-century Danish design. Take an Earl Grey donut and a cup of Sightglass coffee to the top of the bleacher-like seating and watch the action while you munch."
"This SOMA cafe/workspace is easy to miss unless you’re a bloodhound with a thirst for croissants. Don’t miss it. The aforementioned croissants are basically desserts masquerading as breakfast, but we’re not complaining about that. We especially like the mocha and strawberry versions - but the regular ones hold their own, too. It’s good we don’t live next door to this place, because we’d be eating 90 croissants a day." - Taylor Abrams
David Fleck
Jacob Anderson
Jasleen Singh
Jessica Winford
Dominic D
Esther Yeoh
Jana Sklenářová