Union Chapel is an enchanting 19th-century Gothic church in Islington, offering stunning acoustics and intimate live performances from top artists.
"Take Part in a Religious Musical Experience Possibly no music venue in London has quite as intriguing a backstory as the Union Chapel in Islington. The 19th-century Gothic Revival church, with its mosaic floor, its carved ceiling, its stained glass windows, and its chunky brick belltower, is a sight to see of itself. But since it began hosting gigs to help pay for the building’s restoration it has become one of the trendiest and most popular music destinations in the city. It has hosted everyone from Bjork and Patti Smith to Ryan Adams and Elton John, yet still very much operates as a church, with a liberal, progressive congregation supporting an outreach that’s as musical as it is Biblical."
Sérgio Mendes
Neil Bailey
Chris Barclay
Dave Bunce
Irene Amore
Robin Newby
Daniel Licudi
Iain Lovatt
Sérgio Mendes
Neil Bailey
Chris Barclay
Dave Bunce
Irene Amore
Robin Newby
Daniel Licudi
Iain Lovatt