Nestled just outside Fira, Tsipouradiko is a charming family-run taverna serving mouthwatering traditional Greek dishes like bouyourdi and grilled seafood.
"A Traditional Greek Taverna During the months I spent living in a hostel on Santorini island, I returned to Tsipouradiko time and time again, usually with a new group of hostel guests. The owner/server got to know my name, although he barely spoke English. But he always knew I'd order a steaming bowl of bouyourdi -- baked feta with peppers and tomatoes. This is traditional Greek food at its finest, hosted in a small taverna set on the main road just outside of Fira (the main town). The prices are cheaper than the restaurants you'll find along the caldera's edge. Other highlights include fried octopus, fava spread, mussels in wine broth, lamb chops, and fried feta drizzled in honey. Their speciality, of course, is tsipouro -- a pomace brandy that will knock your socks off."
Kia P
K. D.
Tanakorn P
Yin Chen
Christina Alexander
Cam Wakefield
Andrew Cox
Brian Ferris
Kia P
K. D.
Tanakorn P
Yin Chen
Christina Alexander
Cam Wakefield
Andrew Cox
Brian Ferris