The Tree of Tule, a breathtaking Montezuma cypress renowned for its immense trunk and age, is the stunning centerpiece of a charming Oaxaca town.
2 de Abril, 8va Etapa IVO Fracc el Retiro, 68297 Santa María del Tule, Oax., Mexico Get directions
"Widest Tree in the World The Tule tree is estimated to be over 2,000 years old. It's not the oldest or the tallest, but at about 30 feet in diameter, it is the widest tree in the world, and it's quite impressive. The species is Taxodium mucronatum, but it's commonly known as a Montezuma Cypress. If you visit on the weekend, you can ask one of the local children who act as guides to give you a "tour" of the tree—they point out figures in the natural formations of the tree's bark and branches."
"A visit to see El Árbol del Tule, the widest tree in the world, is a must for me. It's a natural wonder that sits in the church grounds of Santa María del Tule."
Toñito el Jarochito
Christopher Owens
Tony Dani
Forest Key
Lynda Ware
Laura Montes
Yereida Gallardo
Toñito el Jarochito
Christopher Owens
Tony Dani
Forest Key
Lynda Ware
Laura Montes
Yereida Gallardo
James V.
Alexis B.
Julia V.
Osula L.
Lissa G.
Royce K.
Oren P.
Douglas V.
Josh B.
Jose G.
Justine S.
Karen O.
Haley B.
Mariana G.