Nestled in a grand mansion once owned by Versace, this glamorous boutique hotel boasts opulent suites, stunning decor, and a chic poolside vibe, perfect for Miami escapades.
"The old Versace mansion is back, this time as a luxury boutique hotel, under a new name: The Villa. This patchwork Italian-style palace is still every inch a monument to excess; the difference being that these days it’s open to the public — or at least ten suites' worth of the public. A monument to minimalism the Villa most certainly isn't. The accommodations don’t play it any safer than the hyper-ornate common areas." - Mark Fedeli
Maria Martinez
Kari K
Dana Dunn
Prachi S
Neil Brown
Paul Rubenstein
Billy M.
carlos c.
Eric B.
Allyssa P.
Ivan M.
Tiffany C.
Sherri K.
Trendy D.
Karine Y.
Marni M.
Amber S.
Jessica W.
Viktoriya M.
Jack S.
Amanda R.
Brandi B.
Jorge Z.
Mercedes D.
Frank J.
Lauren S.
Jassy D.
Dawn G.
Dona A.
Candy C.
Jacob T.
Ernest J.
Nadia G.
Aldana A.
Shelbie P.
Ciara C.
Joe D.
Matthew S.
Yajaira B.
Sue S.
Sintia S.
Kylie S.
Karen G.
charmaine a.
Gillian O.
Maria V.
Taylor M.
Tara G.
Tim N.
Nysheemah L.
Tanner C.
Erika M.
Mai E.
Ramona G.
Miguel F.