Nestled in a sunny locale, this vibrant shop brims with culinary spices, organic herbs, and holistic treasures, making it a must-visit for wellness seekers.
"I met Erin Masako Wilkins at a now-shuttered San Francisco herb shop called Scarlet Sage. She was teaching a class about moxibustion, the therapeutic East Asian practice of burning mugwort leaves over acupressure points. Wilkins is an acupuncturist and herbalist whose book Asian American Herbalism, published this past October, draws from her Japanese heritage, education in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and clinical practice in Sonoma County, California. Reading the book was a revelation: Asian American Herbalism gave context, provided recipes, shared history. It spoke to an ancestral knowledge I’d been raised with but had been lost to me, personally." - Rachel Khong
"After 28 years, naturopathic goods store Scarlet Sage abandoned the corridor in search of cheaper rent." - Paolo Bicchieri
"The word 'apothecary' gets thrown around a lot in reference to beauty shops, but this Mission store is in fact a real-deal apothecary, complete with shelves of medicinal herbs, natural remedies, and essential oils. It can be tough to make sense of it all, so thankfully the staff is knowledgeable and eager to help. For those looking to expand their horizons, there are informational books and a metaphysical department if you're into that sort of thing."
Audrey P
Tasha Art
Mar Jau
Jennifer L
Alexandrina Hadzhiyska
Brandi Bell
Renée J