Nestled in Tay Ho, this bike shop boasts exceptional customer service and a friendly vibe, making it a go-to spot for cycling enthusiasts.
31 P. Nhật Chiêu, Nhật Tân, Tây Hồ, Hà Nội, Vietnam Get directions
"Use Pedal Power to Peruse the Highlights The first thing that everybody comments on about Hanoi is its heavy traffic, and it is true that the mayhem can be intimidating for those with a timid disposition. Nevertheless, enclaves of peace and quiet remain and a number of fascinating bike tours are available. Many operators run trips over the Red River to the rural villages outside Hanoi. Another popular spot, meanwhile, is Tay Ho (or West Lake). Pick up a rental bike at Hanoi Bicycle Collective and saddle up."
Gemma Dunne
Shunsuke Kusano
Tuệ Lê
Andrew Kirwan
Nobukazu Yano
Nguyen Nhat Tuong