This small taqueria boasts vibrant decor and a casual atmosphere, serving fresh, flavorful tacos and late-night bites with warm hospitality.
"Taqueria Viva Mexico is a casual Mexican spot with a pretty straightforward menu of dishes like sopes, gorditas, and some of Miami's best tacos. Stay away from the more common taco variations like carne asada or al pastor (which are just alright) and instead go for the less common (at least in Miami) versions like oreja, lengua, and tripe, which this place excels at. Taqueria works great for a casual meal, but the drinks are also tasty and affordable, so keep it in mind for a fun dinner before a night out. " - ryan pfeffer, virginia otazo
"There’s a surprising amount of Mexican food in Little Havana. One of the standout spots is Taqueria Viva Mexico, which offers street-style tacos at an affordable price. Keep it simple with an order of chicken tacos, or get brave with lengua or tripe. Finish the meal with a Mexican soda." - Amber Love Bond
"Taqueria Viva Mexico is a casual Mexican spot in Little Havana with a blue exterior and colorful papel picado hanging from the ceiling. The key here is to stay away from the more common taco variations like carne asada or al pastor (which are just alright) and instead go for the less common (at least in Miami) versions like oreja, lengua, and tripe, which this place excels at. The oreja and tripe in particular are incredibly tender and delicious. Plus, they give you generous sides of salsa and taco toppings so you can customize to your liking. " - virginia otazo, ryan pfeffer
"Tacos This was actually our third visit to Taqueria Viva Mexico. The first two times we tried to go, the restaurant was closed for renovations. But persistence pays off in life. And we are glad we kept at it, because Taqueria Viva Mexico is the kind of wonderful, straightforward Mexican spot Miami needs more of. The menu includes dishes like sopes, gorditas, and some of Miami's best tacos. The key here is to stay away from the more common taco variations like carne asada or al pastor (which are just alright) and instead go for the less common (at least for Miami) versions like oreja, lengua, and tripe, which this place excels at. The oreja and tripe in particular are incredibly tender and delicious. And this will certainly not be our last trip here. " - ryan pfeffer, carlos c olaechea
"Taqueria Viva Mexico is a great casual Mexican spot on Calle Ocho in Little Havana. The small restaurant has a bright blue exterior and colorful paper decorations hanging from the ceiling. The menu is pretty straightforward, with Mexican dishes like sopes, gorditas, and some of Miami's best tacos. Stay away from the more common taco variations like carne asada or al pastor (which are just alright) and instead go for the less common (at least in Miami) versions like oreja, lengua, and tripe, which this place excels at. Viva Mexico works great for a casual meal, but the drinks are also tasty and affordable, so keep it in mind for a fun dinner before a night out." - Ryan Pfeffer