Once a grand bathhouse with seven saltwater pools, the Sutro Baths ruins now invite exploration amid stunning Pacific views and craggy rock formations.
"These Instagram-worthy ruins overlooking the Pacific draw hikers and visitors during the day, especially at sunset, when the views are unforgettable. They are all that remains from a complex opened by Mayor Adolph Sutro in 1896, that burned down 70 years later. The spooky beauty makes this place stand out in a city with many outdoor spaces. Where else in San Francisco can you find sprawling ruins on the edge of the sea? It's practically like something out of the ancient world." - Kimberley Lovato, Carey Jones
"Step back in time at the Sutro Baths While hiking through the Lands End area of San Francisco I came across this gem. Built in the late 19th century as the world's largest indoor swimming pool complex, visitors could take a dip in one of the seven pools or take a stroll through a museum containing the eclectic artifacts collected by the Bath's owner and former mayor of San Francisco , Adolph Sutro. The building burned down in a fire in 1966 and the area was abandoned, but it is still a very unique and photograph-worthy spot. I felt like I had been transported to some European ruin of an ancient bath house, momentarily forgetting that I was actually in California! By Samantha Freda"
"Start by descending the steps to the Sutro Baths, the ruins of a 19th-century ocean-fed bathhouse, before scaling the stairs back up and winding your way north."
Dior Stevenson
George Adaimi
Rajat Sharma
Amanda Maloney
Krishin Asnani
Evan Landman