This vibrant theater, opened by Antonio Banderas, serves up a mix of innovative stage productions, cabaret, and stand-up, all in a welcoming setting.
"Actor Antonio Banderas, who hails from Malaga, is behind this theater, built in 1961 and originally home to the Alameda Theater-Cinema. In a bid to support the cultural boom happening in Malaga, Banderas took over and opened it in 2019. With 840 seats, the theater is known for its high-quality acoustics and features works by Malaga artist José Luis Puche."
Nick Howells
Laura P
Hannah Gardner
Kara Duffy
Muthanna Alhassan
Nick Howells
Laura P
Hannah Gardner
Kara Duffy
Muthanna Alhassan
Kevin L.
David I.
Robert W.
Fiona G.
Vicky L.
Peter S.
Clarissa D.
Amy W.
Amanda F.
Díana B.
Aleksandra B.
Glen S.
Jana J.
Erin L.
Ali A.
Bryan W.
Laura Kate S.
Christie K.
Gemma R.
Qype User (little…)
Owen e.