At Scarlet & Violet, a charming florist in Kensal Queens Park, vibrant, seasonal British blooms adorn industrial decor, making every visit a floral delight.
"Walking into Scarlet & Violet feels like a step back in time, into a traditional florists where elegant flowers line the walls from floor to ceiling. The flowers are brought in daily from the market, so a visit to the shop looks and feels different every time. The florist boasts seasonal british-grown flowers and foliage, producing bouquets which cater to any budget. The delicacy is contrasted with the industrial jugs, metal buckets and glass vessels which contain them...not forgetting the vintage truck parked outside." - Effection
"Scarlet & Violet, Kensal Queens Park. Walking into Scarlet & Violet feels like a step back in time, into a traditional florists where elegant flowers line the walls from floor to ceiling. The flowers are brought in daily from the market, so a visit to the shop looks and feels different every time. The florist boasts seasonal british-grown flowers and foliage, producing bouquets which cater to any budget. The delicacy is contrasted with the industrial jugs, metal buckets and glass vessels which contain them...not forgetting the vintage truck parked outside."
Mariza G
Pragya B
Jason & Dawn Kedzuch
David Hooper
Nick Bolton
Shareena Bashir
Georgie Twamley
Mariza G
Pragya B
Jason & Dawn Kedzuch
David Hooper
Nick Bolton
Shareena Bashir
Georgie Twamley
Angela B.
Rachel G.
Da F.
Qype User (Elspet…)
Qype User (derric…)
Harry M.
Alexandra M.