Nestled in a cozy, pastel-hued space reminiscent of a girl's bedroom, this skincare haven offers gentle, high-tech treatments that feel luxurious and comforting.
"Sarah actually shares a space with waxing studio Habit, so the rooms here look kind of like a girl's bedroom: dimly lit, pastel-hued, and comfy (the treatment tables are covered in layers of blankets). Once you lie down, Sarah literally tucks you in before beginning the treatment, which is a combination of high-tech and natural elements. The microdermabrasion works wonders without feeling like your face is being sanded off."
"Sarah actually shares a space with waxing studio Habit, so the rooms here look kind of like a girl's bedroom: dimly lit, pastel-hued, and comfy (the treatment tables are covered in layers of blankets). Once you lie down, Sarah literally tucks you in before beginning the treatment, which is a combination of high-tech and natural elements. The microdermabrasion works wonders without feeling like your face is being sanded off."
Ludmylla Souza
Ludmylla Souza
Anais B.
Laura A.
W W.
Melissa A.
Kamala M.
Jillian A.
Karly S.
Kelly K.
Leigh D.
Ann P.
Jennifer M.
Trish P.
natalie b.
Joey E.
Sarah F.
Jeff S.
Virginia J.