Nestled in the heart of Barcelona, Mercat de Santa Caterina dazzles with its colorful wavy roof and offers a vibrant selection of fresh local produce and eateries, perfect for an authentic culinary adventure.
Av. de Francesc Cambó, 16, Ciutat Vella, 08003 Barcelona, Spain Get directions
"Offers a more authentic shopping experience with smaller crowds." - Travel + Leisure Editors
"Drizzle the brand’s peanut sauce on some of the fresh vegetables you couldn’t resist in Santa Caterina Market, or schmear some on slices of freshly baked pa de pagès from Mistral bakery." - Chris Ciolli
Philip Woo
Jackie E.
Aleena A
Toosha Atta
Geoff Kroon
Maria Sahanjancs
Philip Constantinou
Marie T
Philip Woo
Jackie E.
Aleena A
Toosha Atta
Geoff Kroon
Maria Sahanjancs
Philip Constantinou
Marie T