Protected lagoon within Latin America's largest wildlife sanctuary offers whale watching & birding.
23915 BCS, Mexico Get directions
"The clear, clean warm waters of the San Ignacio Lagoon are the nursery grounds for gray whale pods and their newborn calves. The whales arrive here every winter after migrating for over 10,000 miles from their Arctic feeding grounds, give birth, and nurse their calves in these relatively pollution-free waters. Recently, a large industrial project by Mitsubishi that threatened the lagoon was successfully turned back by conservationists. The area was designated a Biosphere Reserve/World Heritage Site by the Mexican government in 1988, but the long-term survival of this rare, undisturbed whale breeding and nursing site may depend on the advocacy of environmentally aware travelers determined to defend the lagoon after having visited it. In partnership with Adventure Travel Trade Association"
Juan David Cortes
Irene G.
J. Michael Seyfert
Jerry Mayo
tony lopez
Austin Pettit
Kevin Petalos