A whimsical, kid-friendly museum in Balboa Park brimming with detailed scale models of California railroads, perfect for train lovers young and old.
"Located in a basement in San Diego’s Balboa Park is the nondescript San Diego Model Railroad Museum. The museum usually attracts model railroad enthusiasts and little kids who love Thomas the Tank Engine, but it’s also a lively alternative to some of the more common museums in Balboa Park. Opened to the public since 1982, the 27,000-square-foot museum is the largest indoor model railroad collection in the world and the only accredited museum of its type in North America. The museum aims to educate the public on the history of railroading and also to preserve the meticulous craft of building model railroads. Each museum exhibit is sponsored, built, and maintained by several San Diego-area model railroad clubs. Volunteers head to the museum on weekly work nights to design and construct scenes that capture the history of California’s railroads. Some of the more elaborate exhibits feature detailed landscaping and wooden bridges that take hundreds of hours to complete. Look closely and you’ll find hidden scenes that the clubs put in for laughs: Is that a shark in the swimming pool? Is there actually someone sitting down on that toilet? Guests are encouraged to head back to the museum on a regular basis, as the exhibits are ongoing projects and always changing." - ATLAS_OBSCURA
"World's Largest Indoor Railroad Display In the lower level of the Casa Del Balboa building in Balboa Park is one of the world's largest indoor model railway displays. There are several rooms, where you can see huge displays of trains going through miniature towns and landscapes. Parts of the California railway system is recreated in miniature, including the Southern Pacific-Santa Fe Tehachapi Pass (pictured here). There are different miniature towns representing San Diego and other California cities throughout various point in history, and the railways that went through them at that time period. In another room is the toy train gallery, with four separate lines, miniature scenery, and even a train equipped with a camera in the front, so you can watch a video from the 'train's eye view.' Both kids and adults will enjoy this fantastic model railroad museum."
Alex Barone
Kaiden Miller (IowaMillerFarms)
Sophie Gullett
Andra K
Scott Paul
Bill Berroth
Kari Heavenrich
Mr Osok