Nestled in the Andes, San Agustín boasts stunning pre-Columbian ruins, lush landscapes, and a mystical vibe that enchants explorers and history buffs alike.
San Agustín, Huila, Colombia Get directions
"This mysterious archeological site near the town of San Agustín is hard to get to, but well worth the trip. The hundreds of megalithic stone sculptures found here are believed to have been carved between 50 and 400 C.E.; many were likely part of funeral mounds. A Spanish monk first uncovered statues here in the 18th century, yet just who the carvers were and what happened to their civilization is still unknown. Much of the site remains unexcavated, as do other sites dotting the upper Magdalena River valley, which can be accessed on foot or horseback. To reach San Agustín, catch a flight to Pitalito, the nearest airport, then bus into the town. Old farmhouses here have been made over to accommodate visitors in a comfortable, if somewhat rustic, setting. By Travesías"