A cozy family-run gem on the outskirts of Greektown serving heartwarming Japanese comfort food, perfect for those craving authentic flavors.
comforting jp food! pictured: loco moco don, cant describe it you just gotta try it for yourself
Rachelle Lopez
Emily S
Savannah Beaton-Campbell
iphone pictures
noam de kalo
oscar akamine
Levi Ramos
Rachelle Lopez
Emily S
Savannah Beaton-Campbell
iphone pictures
noam de kalo
oscar akamine
Levi Ramos
Rachel L.
Tiffany O.
Kervin H.
Lim T.
Jaye G.
Paul R.
David Y.
Shines G.
Paul T.
Denise C.
Bosco H.
Matt S.
Kayo T.
Owen R.
Stephanie S.
Jo-Anne L.
Shu O.
Mellanie P.
Joanne L.
Jennifer K.
River Z.
Greg F.
Brendan M.
Joyce L.
Johnny L.
Shathana K.
Jennifer C.
Karmen N.
Matthew K.
Dekko C.
Heng-Ling W.
Ann Y.
M L.
Kenzie Z.
Fred I.
Gordon K.
J S.
Carmen C.
Carly H.
Philip C.
Cindy C.
Tina C.
can a.
Haein S.
Monica V.
Pauline W.
Ellen C.
Bria J.
Kristin L.