Discover Sainte-Chapelle, a hidden Gothic gem in Paris, famed for its awe-inspiring stained glass that transforms biblical scenes into vibrant art.
"The Grandest Chapel in Paris Sainte Chapelle is a true Gothic masterpiece located on Île de la Cité. Sainte Chapelle was founded by King Louis IX as a chapel for the royal palace. Sainte Chapelle houses a small chapel downstairs that is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The ceilings down here are stunning but are nothing compared to the stained glass windows on the second floor, which will take your breath away. The stained glass windows in this chapel are possibly the most impressive in the world. There are over 6,000 square feet of well-preserved stained glass that range in color from deep reds to rich blues. The windows picture about 1,100 scenes from the Bible. Tickets to Sainte Chapelle have the option to include admission to the Conciergerie. This is Paris ' oldest prison and the site where Marie Antoinette was held before the her execution during the Revolution. This is a must-see for history buffs. By Katie Goldstein"
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Kevin Dederick
Matt Tritschler
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