
Restaurant · Lima
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Central by Google
Central by Google
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Central by Google
Central by Google
Central by Google
Central by Google
Central by Google
Central by Google
Central by Google
Central by Google
Central by Google
Central by Google
Central by Google
Central by Google
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Central in Lima is a culinary adventure led by chefs Virgilio Martínez and Pía León, celebrating Peru's diverse ecosystems with breathtaking and artfully crafted dishes.

Google Rating
Featured on Michelin
Featured in The World's 50 Best
#6 Restaurant
Featured in The World's 50 Best
#6 Restaurant
Featured in The World's 50 Best
#4 Restaurant
Featured in The World's 50 Best
#2 Restaurant
Featured in The World's 50 Best
#1 Restaurant
Featured in Conde Nast Traveler
Featured on Bon Appetit

Av. Pedro de Osma 301, Barranco 15063, Peru Get directions

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