Rue du Bac is a charming street in Paris, brimming with gourmet sweet shops and tempting treats like decadent chocolates and exquisite pastries.
75007 Paris, France Get directions
"Rue du Bac This picturesque street in one of Paris’s poshest quartiers is dotted with gourmet sweet shops. Beginning at the eponymous Rue du Bac metro station, Chapon offers decadent taste-tests of single-estate chocolate mousses. On the next corner, Jacques Genin sells mouthwateringly good caramels along withhis famous chocolate treats. The shops Des Gâteaux et du Pain and La Pâtisserie des Rêves also sell sweets, but this time they're enveloped in a pastry delivery system. LeBac à Glaces tries another sugary route: It scoops out the city’s most infamous dark chocolate sorbet. End the stroll at the gourmet temple La Grande Epicerie de Paris , a grocery store filled with more unforgettable tastes of Paris to tuck in your bag and take home."