"Enchanted Rock State Natural Area Enchanted Rock State Natural Area is truly a mystical place, filled with Native American folklore. The Tonkawa people who inhabited the area in the 16th century thought it was special because they thought they saw ghost fires flickering at the top of the pink granite dome and heard creaking and groaning that they couldn't explain. (Modern geologists attribute the noise to the rock's contraction at night after being heated by the daytime sun, and the ghost flames may have been the reflection of the moon on rainwater trapped in depressions in the granite.) If you're a geology buff, then the place will be reallycool because this batholith (a huge igneous rock mass that is the result ofmagma pushingintoearth's crust and cooling underground) was formed some 6million years ago. The hiking, camping, and cycling around this area arespectacular,especially in cooler months."