Quebradillas barrio-pueblo offers a charming glimpse of Puerto Rican culture with its central plaza, historic church, and stunning views of the northwest coast.
"View of Northwest Puerto Rico A slight turn off the main highway can have you overlooking the beautiful steep sided cliffs of Quebradillas and Isabella. On highway 2, once you first catch a close glimpse of the water directly off to your right, take your first right at the flashing yellow light. Park and take a look, or instead, pull over at the overlook area for a picture perfect view."
Robert S.
Larry M.
Jose H.
Cindy P.
Ray R.
Yarmila R.
Ronnie P.
Tommy P.
Carlos G.
Erika W.
Aleksei I.
Eric O.
Isabella R.
Maite D.
Kristina F.
Monty C.
Milly M.
Raisa L.
Leticia Z.
Jorge A.
Maria C.
Myra C.
Christin M.
Bertus G.
Amy S.
Dave C.
Arlene R.
Alicia A.
Magda H.
David W.
Astrid C.
Lucy R.
Eileen M.
Vincent O.
Emmanuel N.
Maria G.
Jackie G.
Mafe C.