Quantum Coffee serves up excellent espresso-based drinks and enticing pastries in a chic, people-watching-friendly space near Toronto's digital hub.
"Less than a stones throw from Brainstation, a hub of Toronto's digital education community, Quantum Coffee is home to folks coming in for a quick cup and those studying for their next career change. The area is spacious with seating that looks out onto the busy street to satisfy any people-watching needs." - TWG
"Quantum Coffee, King West. Less than a stones throw from Brainstation, a hub of Toronto's digital education community, Quantum Coffee is home to folks coming in for a quick cup and those studying for their next career change. The area is spacious with seating that looks out onto the busy street to satisfy any people-watching needs."
Julia Portny
Sera Kim
Mae Mae
Eileen Lau
Me Me’s Friend
Afrin Mohammad
Nicole Ohadi
Julia Portny
Sera Kim
Mae Mae
Eileen Lau
Me Me’s Friend
Afrin Mohammad
Nicole Ohadi