Nestled in Dalston, this vibrant screenprinting studio invites creativity with friendly workshops and unique prints from local artists, perfect for any art lover.
10, 28 Miller's Ave, London E8 2DS, United Kingdom Get directions
"This Dalston screenprinting studio offers workshops, studio space, and sells prints by many of the talented artists who make work there. It's a great place to pick up a few original prints to liven up your home."
Hannah Silverstein
Phoebe Houlihan
Suzanne Anderson
Louise Doe
Francois Chabat
Lisa Riemers
Taran Ajodha
Hannah Silverstein
Phoebe Houlihan
Suzanne Anderson
Louise Doe
Francois Chabat
Lisa Riemers
Taran Ajodha
Rebecca P.
Hannah C.