Discover a hidden gem in Pittsburgh, where vintage photography equipment and engaging tours offer a captivating journey through the art and history of photography.
"Located on the well-trafficked East Ohio Street, a typical passerby might never suspect the hidden gem which is the Photo Antiquities Museum. This Museum of Photographic History is a keeper of Pittsburgh’s history, holding an archive of vintage photos, camera equipment and other unique trivia in this, rather surprisingly extensive, six-exhibit building." - Wall-to-Wall Studios
"Photo Antiquities Museum, North Side. Located on the well-trafficked East Ohio Street, a typical passerby might never suspect the hidden gem which is the Photo Antiquities Museum. This Museum of Photographic History is a keeper of Pittsburgh’s history, holding an archive of vintage photos, camera equipment and other unique trivia in this, rather surprisingly extensive, six-exhibit building."
Celia Halkovich
Brian Blackwell
Daniel Klein
Jessica Pollock
Keith Krauland
Edward Krauland
Andrew Behm
Autumn Dewey