Jakob Barker
After making the trek home from work, I was greeted with a sparkling clean apartment. Not just my usual tidy, but clean enough to make Mary Poppins proud. I have to give credit where credit is due, so a big thanks to the parental unit for their surprise visit from their far away land. As we marveled at the spotless digs, one of them suggested we hit up a brewery for some brewskis.
Spotting a brewery down the road that I had never noticed before while biking along the Grants trail, we made our way to Perennial Artisan Ales. Housed in what looked like a converted warehouse, the exterior screamed industrial chic, complete with tables and fake grass. We were greeted by a friendly bartender and settled in at a table with some beer menus.
After much deliberation, we settled on a Peach Berlinerweiss, a Pegasus Bay (Hazey IPA), and a Good Mister Postman (American Lager). With drinks in hand, we snagged a new table with a perfect view of the big TV showcasing a Rugby game. As the suds flowed, we kicked back and enjoyed the game.
Each beer was a hit with its drinker, prompting a round two and the second half of the Rugby match. After the game ended, we bid adieu to the brewery, having spent a delightful afternoon there. Perennial Artisan Ales proved to be a gem of a spot to while away a few hours – tasty brews, friendly staff, and clean bathrooms sealed the deal. I'll definitely be back with a growler in tow next time I swing by. Cheers to good beer and even better company!