Pequod's is a beloved local spot serving up deep-dish pizza with a delicious caramelized crust in a lively, casual atmosphere.
"Pequod’s has become the standard for deep dish in Chicago with its unique caramelized crust. At Pequod’s, order pies loaded with sausage, spinach, ground beef, giardiniera, and more and see how a burnt, cheesy crust can drastically enhance an already-great classic. The original location is in Morton Grove. Order online here. Beware: Peak dinner times get busy, so be prepared to wait. Also beware: busy times may lead to an erosion in quality, so middle-of-the-week ordering may get customers a more delicious pie." - Ashok Selvam, Eater Staff
"Pequod’s Pizza is one of the top five pizza shops according to Yelp's list, located in Chicago." - Stacey Leasca Stacey Leasca Stacey Leasca is an award-winning journalist and co-founder of Be a Travel Writer, an online course for the next generation of travel journalists. Her photos, videos, and words have appeare
"In Lincoln Park, Pequod’s sets itself apart in the deep dish category with its signature pan style and additional layers of cheese. Fresh mozzarella is blended right into the crust, and a small layer is added around the rim of the pan to promote a caramelized edge." - Tori Allen
"A recent survey of Chicago transplants proved that Pequod’s was a contributing factor in their decision to relocate here. OK, that’s not true, but whenever an out-of-towner asks us where they should get deep dish, we say “Pequods”—usually before they finish their question. Pequod’s serves pan-style pies, with sauce underneath the toppings (unlike traditional Chicago-style deep dish, which has sauce on top). What sets Pequod’s apart from the average pan-style is its “caramelized” crust, also known as the burnt edges of crispy cheese surrounding the pie. The crust itself is thick and airy with a great crunch, and the pies only have a little bit of sauce. Pequod's isn't just one of the best places for pizza in the city, it's one of the best restaurants in Chicago. " - adrian kane, veda kilaru
"Whenever an out-of-towner asks us where they should get deep dish, we say “Pequods”—usually before they finish their question. Pequod’s serves pan-style pies, with sauce underneath the toppings (unlike traditional Chicago-style deep dish, which has sauce on top). What sets Pequod’s apart from the average pan-style is its “caramelized” crust, also known as the burnt edges of crispy cheese surrounding the pie. The crust itself is thick and airy with a great crunch, and the pies only have a little bit of sauce. Pequod's isn't just one of the city's overall best pizza places, it's also one of our favorite restaurants in Chicago. " - adrian kane, john ringor