Nestled in lush greenery, this captivating outdoor cinema in Kamari offers a charming spot to catch films under the stars, complete with affordable snacks and drinks.
"An Outdoor Cinema for Those Warm Mediterranean Nights If you think about, the Greeks really invented the open-air cinema prototype -- starting with the theatre. Open-air cinemas have been popular in Greece since the 20s, and this one on Santorini is no exception. Few things rival a good movie with new friends, a beer, and the open Mediterranean skies. All films here are in English, with Greek subtitles. ."
Laura Schoville
Radek Krupczynski (Radox)
Jannik G
Stephen Curnow
Sandra Maguire
Jen Lou
Laura Schoville
Radek Krupczynski (Radox)
Jannik G
Stephen Curnow
Sandra Maguire
Jen Lou