Oddjob is a hidden gem where a chill vibe meets inventive cocktails, featuring a unique conveyor-belt bar and a custom cocktail experience.
"Oddjob, Soma by Airbnb. Oddjob’s exterior, hand painted by LA artist Shrine On, has the ornate look of a Victorian doll house. Inside, things are decidedly more grown up, but no less playful. With its alleyway entrance and industrial decor, the vibe is speakeasy-meets-machine shop. Vintage drafting stools line the glass-topped conveyor belt bar, and sculptor Benjamin Cowden’s Corpse Reviver, a steampunk type of contraption, pours a properly chilled cocktail via a series of levers, glass tubes, and funnels. For a truly personal experience, head to the back bar, SRO (Standing Room Only), where a resident mixologist and mind reader will divine your perfect cocktail based on your likes and dislikes (in alcohol, as well as in life)."
Kirsten Tilleman
Brian Ho
Sherry Li
Johnny Wang
Aleksey Smolenchuk
Grey Skold
Seneca Spurling