Nestled in Shibuya, Narukiyo is a beloved izakaya that serves up exceptional sushi, grilled delights, and seasonal treasures in an intimate, punk-inspired setting.
Japan, 〒150-0002 Tokyo, Shibuya, 2 Chome−7−14 VORT青山 地下 1階 Get directions
"A restaurant known for its delicious tomatoes and steak."
Narukiyo, a super popular izakaya in Shibuya served us a parade of dishes—sashimi on ice, grilled meat, veggie platters (can someone please explain to me how the asparagus and tomatoes are so spectacular in the middle of winter?), noodles, and more. Book well in advance (at the bar if possible) and prepare yourself for a sake-fueled night.
Vincent Tan
Kirst Grunewald
Bow K. Techataveekijkul
Leevane Bai
Erez Levanon
Chomphatt Sapchookul
Vincent Tan
Kirst Grunewald
Bow K. Techataveekijkul
Leevane Bai
Erez Levanon
Chomphatt Sapchookul
Warren H.
Samuel B.
Athena M.
Luca F.